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Positive attitude.

The approach to life is all about attitude.

Attitude -"A mental position; the feeling one has for oneself." This pertains to all aspects of life as well as our daily living.

There are two types of attitudes, one positive and one negative. These are the choices we have.

Attitude towards how you think of yourself and the kind of person you want to be is key relative to the other aspects of living. You must always think positive thoughts about yourself. You are a human being with a purpose in life. Attitude influences those around you, and are infectious by nature.

A positive attitude towards your fellow man creates that community spirit which in turn impacts the nation. Watching youth sports provides a perfect illustration of the way attitudes spread. The manager who is always hollering at the umpire and is continually upset by everybody and everything has a team that is upset and disrespectful. The young players are not disciplined which is one of the hidden agendas of sports. The opposite of this is the manager who is very soft-spoken and, if he did have a disagreement would approach the umpire and privately discuss the play on the field. The young players would sit on the bench with only the next batter standing up as he waited for his turn to bat. The batboy always had the bats and equipment placed in their proper place, and discipline was obvious on the team.

These young players, unbeknownst to them, are getting a lesson in having a positive attitude not only towards the game but being a team player, showing respect and enjoying the game with wanting to win but not at the sacrifice of losing a positive attitude.

Attitude towards your job is key. How many times have you heard managers state "give me an employee who is average but has a good attitude any day versus the intellect who has a negative attitude." Employees with an open mind and are teachable and, as a rule, are team players, reflecting a lot of "we" rather than a lot of "me." Attitude is easily identified by the fellow workers.

In listening to sports manager's talk about their teams that are winning, they talk about the team. They discuss positive attitudes of team members, and how they are willing to sacrifice their individual goals to work as a team. Did you ever watch the bench and see the enthusiasm that is there? It's one of sincere enthusiasm for the team, and the sport spectators as well as the sports announcers and writers sense that attitude. As a result, we are not only winning the league, but both players and fans are having fun - it's infectious.

Positive attitude towards your health is key to maintaining or improving your health. It is your attitude to how you will manage your health. For example, let's say your doctor says you must reduce your weight and give up the "goodies" to continue to enjoy good health or to improve a health condition. Usually we get an attitude of poor me and why do I have to do this now? Well! You have to develop that mental discipline to accomplish this health objective. It won't be easy, but you know that with a positive attitude and following the doctor's orders you suddenly start to lose that weight, and you start feeling good about yourself and you are not afraid to get on the scale. What a day when you are capable of crossing your legs and tying your shoes, when you are able to buy clothes that are attractive and fit well. It is truly infectious.

A positive attitude really is the key to a positive life.

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