Customer Service Training in Visakhapatnam

Abhay Thakkar

Abhay Thakkar is the first NLP trainer from India to provide New Code NLP as well as NLP training courses in India, certified by co-creator of NLP and co-developers of New Code NLP. He facilitates Internationally Certified New Code NLP/ NLP courses in Visakhapatnam, Delhi, Bangalore and others cities in India and abroad...

Sajid Ahamed

Sajid Ahamed is a "Certified trainer of NLP" and Founder of Inner Peace Life Coaching Pvt Ltd, India. He organizes Grinder approved training in India and the Middle East. He is a firm believer in high performance.

Customer Service
Customer Service Training in Visakhapatnam

Customer Service Training

Customer service is marketing. Customers and clients can be lost because of poor experiences when trying to buy products, contract for services or get a problem resolved after the sale is made. To make sure that your business is doing the most to keep your clients happy, your staff needs solid customer service training. Summit Business Performance provides customer service training that fits your needs.

Focus on the Customer

Customer service training focuses on the customer experience. Whatever your industry, there are a few key concepts every customer service team should understand:

  • Make it easy for the customer to buy Know how to appeal to your customer and eliminate hoops your customer has to jump through to click the "Checkout" button online, get to the register or sign on the dotted line.
  • Streamline your systems Efficient and effective systems mean less overhead, faster processing times and increased accuracy. That leads to a better environment for your staff and better customer experience.
  • Be consistent Everyone hates getting stuck in the automated phone maze. Worse yet is being transferred from department to department trying to find the right person to answer a question. Make your customer's point of contact stable, someone who consistently projects a positive attitude and someone who can confidently help the customer or find the right person who can.

Our customer service training helps your staff understand what's going on from the customer's perspective. Knowing the customer's needs and wants will help your team deliver excellent customer service.

Focus on the Staff

A happy customer service team makes for happy customers, so customer service training also includes segments that focus on the needs and feelings of your staff. The staff is coached to effectively handle rejection and defuse situations with upset clients.

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