Oracle Cards Reading Services in Surat

Jain Healer Pooja Shah

Pooja Shah, is a qualified holistic therapist Renowned Reiki Grand Master, Pranic Healer & Arhatic Yogi & trainer, energy healer. As she progressed in her spiritual journey, her idea is to spread Universal divine energies

Ms. Anjali Nagpal

Anjali Nagpal is a business trainer, a life coach and workshop facilitator certified to present Heal Your Life transformational workshop worldwide (based on the philosophy of Louise L Hay) approved by Hay House, US. She also conducts others workshops relating to self healing.

Dr. Geetanjali Saxena.

Past life Regression Trainer, Family Constellation Trainer, Theta Healing Trainer, Inner Child Work, Angel Therapist, Reiki healer, Hypnotherapy, Crystal Healing, Graphology, Tarot card reader & Astrologer

Ms. Dishaa

As so rightly affirmed by Reiki Grandmaster Dishaa, a young and dynamic lady, an M.B.A turned natural healing expert from Chandigarh (India) for whom life has always been a 'Love for the Moment' which is beautiful yet compassionate...

Oracle Card Reading
Oracle Card Readers- Surat

Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are an ancient and reliable way to receive spiritual guidance and detailed insight. They carry a message of hope and should enable you to ease your anxieties and overcome any doubt that you feel in your daily life.

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