Grief & Loss Counselling Services in Mumbai

The Sanctuary - Ms. Sunita Rao

In her pursuit of finding better ways to heal the human body, mind and spirit Sunita Rao has been certified by internationally renowned organizations such as the EKAA School of Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy and Heal Your Life based on the philosophy of Louise L Hays. She is also a Reiki Grandmaster Practicing and initiating in the Usui system of Reiki..

Dr. Geettanjali V. Saxenaa.

Past life Regression Trainer, Family Constellation Trainer, Theta Healing Trainer, Inner Child Work, Angel Therapist, Reiki healer, Hypnotherapy, Crystal Healing, Graphology, Tarot card reader & Astrologer

Ms. Anjali Nagpal

Anjali Nagpal is a business trainer, a life coach and workshop facilitator certified to present Heal Your Life transformational workshop worldwide (based on the philosophy of Louise L Hay) approved by Hay House, US. She also conducts others workshops relating to self healing.


Grief & Loss Counselling Services in Nashik

Grief is the emotional pain that comes after a loss. A person may be saddened by the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a career. Although grieving is a natural reaction to loss, it can interfere with your ability to eat, sleep, and accomplish other everyday tasks. Although the sadness of a great loss might remain for years, the pain of mourning should reduce over long time.

If you believe you are stuck in one stage of sorrow or that your grief is progressing into mild to severe depression, contact psychological Counselling Services for assistance.

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