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Importance of Effective Communciation

Importance of Effective Communciation

An organization is a group of people associated for business, political, professional, religious, athletic, social, or other purposes. Its activities require human beings to interact and react, that is, to communicate. They exchange information, ideas, plans; order needed supplies; make decisions, rules, proposals, contracts, and agreements. Communication is the "lifeblood" of every organization. People in organizations typically spend over 75% of their time in an interpersonal situation; thus it is no surprise to find that at the root of a large number of organizational problems is poor communications. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, intra-group, organizational, or external levels.

Communication can be considered as a personal process that involves the transfer of information and also involves some behavioral input. Communication is something people do. It has all to do with relationships between people and consists of the transfer of information and understanding between parts and people in an organization, and the various modes and media involved in the communication. Another way of looking at communication is as 'an interpersonal process of sending and receiving symbols with meanings attached to them' resulting in the exchange of information and shared understanding between people. So a measure of the effective management of interpersonal communication is that information is passed, and relationships are built.

Effective Communication is therefore critical to the success of an organization because -? Organisations today are becoming more complex both in structure and technology. ? Economic and market conditions are forcing greater efficiency and quality at minimum cost in manufacturing and services. ? Government legislation requires managers to interpret the changing implications for policies and practices in their own organisation. ? People at work have high expectations from their employers - not just high wages, but also greater personal job satisfaction. ? Organizations are becoming more dependant on horizontal communication channels. With increased complexity, information needs to flow quickly between specialists rather than go up and back down the hierarchy, with its inevitable delay and message distortion. So when we look at the changes that are taking place in organizations today, it is clear that managers, to be effective, require communication performance at high levels of excellence. The Importance and Benefits of Effective Communication

Communication is the "lifeblood" of every organization. A vital means of attending to company concerns is through effective internal communication - downward, upward, and horizontal.

Communication is the medium through an organization accomplishes its goals-? It leads to greater effectiveness ? It keeps people in the picture. ? It gets people involved with the organization and : 1. increases motivation to perform well; 2. increases commitment to the organization. ? It makes for better relationships and understanding between : 3. boss and sub-ordinates 4. colleagues ? people within the organization and outside it ? It helps people understand the need for change : 5. how they should manage it; 6. how to reduce resistance to change.

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