Breakthrough Coaching with NLP Practitioner Lucknow

Abhay Thakkar

Abhay Thakkar, is India's only NLP Trainer to provide both - NLP as well as New Code NLP Trainings certified by co-creator of NLP - John Grinder as well as co-developers of New Code NLP - Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll...

Breakthrough Coaching with NLP Practitioner - Lucknow

Breakthrough Coaching

The goal of breakthrough coaching  is to assist individuals and teams in changing their conception of success. Although breakthrough coaching  may appear to be just a new methodology or approach for setting and achieving performance goals, their transformative power lies in their ability to fundamentally alter how people and systems assess past accomplishments and identify future challenges.

Breakthrough coaching that combines coaching, facilitation, and analytics to help you achieve your goals and continuously improve your performance.

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