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Astral Projection

Astral Projection Therapy is among the well known beliefs of the new age system in India. The natural therapy process is one of the highly effective therapies in India which involves a process of training one's soul enhancing to leave the physical body for an OBE (Out of body experience).

Process of Astral Therapy is a natural phenomenon that occurs during our sleep. During the entire process our astral body is said to expand and accumulate activating our chakras. On a usual basis whatever we dream is mostly not recalled by our mind. The process of Astral Projection is simple to define in which one's soul is trained to leave the physical body to begin its journey. The process is considered just above the term mediation which includes various techniques known as projections.

Proof for Astral Traveling is based on two situations like witnessing the future event during the sleep. Another situation includes meeting the deceased during your sleep which is the astral period, the time after the death and before the start of a next life.

Benefits of Astral Therapy are as follows:

  • Exploring Astral realms.
  • Meeting our deceased loved ones.
  • Meeting our spiritual guides and gain direct guidance.
  • Experience of flying where sky is the limit and physical matter can no longer bind us or stop us. We can travel through wall or solid easily.
  • Understanding about thought power and manifesting by intention. In astral world whatever we intend instantaneously manifests.
  • Losing the fear of death as we understand that our existence continues even after death - Accelerating our spiritual enfoldment and development of chakras.
  • Learning to relax deeply.

We at Care Well Medical Centre also provide Astral Projection Workshop conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sandeep Bhasin. Some of the topics covered in Astral Projection Workshop include the following:

  • Theory of Astral Projection
  • Obstacles in Astral Projection
  • Practical guidelines for Astral Projection
  • Activation of energy chakras
  • Energy bouncing techniques is a breakthrough in the process of Astral Projection
  • Entering into deep trance
  • Lucid dreaming
  • Guided meditation for Astral Projection
  • Using affirmations for Astral Projection

Astral projection is a natural phenomenon that all of us undergo. During sleep our astral body expands and starts accumulating energy. At that point of time our Chakras also activate and start pumping energy because of this our astral body is able to separate and have experiences from astral dimension. But most of us are not able to recall any memory of astral realm because of mind split phenomenon. Our mind divides into fragments to accompany physical body, astral body and etheric body during sleep. On waking up there is overlap of these mind fragments and our astral experiences are overlapped by our physical memories.

Proof for Astral Traveling:
Have you ever felt Deja vu (Like being in a place or event before it had happened).
-It's mostly that you have witnessed this future event while astral traveling when you were sleeping.

  • Meeting deceased in sleep. After our death and before next life we live in astral planes.

Advantages of Astral projection :

  • Quantum leap in shifting our level of consciousness and belief patterns. Even a single Astral projection can deeply convince us about our existence as spirit and non physical being. We start understanding that we are multidimensional beings
  • Exploring Astral realms.
  • Meeting our deceased loved ones.
  • Meeting our spiritual guides and gain direct guidance
  • Experience of flying where sky is the limit and physical matter can no longer bind us or stop us. We can travel through wall or solid easily.
  • Understanding about thought power and manifesting by intention. In astral world whatever we intend instantaneously manifests.
  • Loosing the fear of death as we understand that our existence continues even after death.
  • Accelerating our spiritual enfoldment and development of chakras.
  • Learning to relax deeply. Astral projection depends on ability to relax deeply. So all practices of Astral projection put us into deep relaxation and a trance stage indispensable for unfolding of our psychic abilities.

Topics covered in Astral Projection Workshop

  • Theory of Astral projection.
  • Obstacles in Astral projection.
  • Practical guidelines for Astral projection.
  • Activation of Energy chakras
  • Energy bounces technique a breakthrough in Astral projection.
  • Entering into deep trance.
  • Lucid dreaming.
  • Guided meditations for astral projection.
  • Using affirmations for astral projection.
  • Sure methods for having astral projection.
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